Are Genetically Modified Foods Safe?
- At June 19, 2013
- By Katherine
- In Articles, News
CNN’s “Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer” reported… that Chipotle Fast Food Restaurants have disclosed (good for them!) they are using some genetically modified foods
Katherine was interviewed recently for the report.
Genetically Modified Organisms: The GMO – in this case a food’s – genetic material has been altered, much like plant breeding, which has been going on for thousands of years. Nutrition and food scientists agree that a GMO food is safe and nutritionally equivalent to a non-GMO food. In fact, some foods have been altered to improve nutrition for undernourished people with great success. An example is Harvest Plus, an organization that has developed iron, zinc and vitamin A fortified seeds for farmers in underdeveloped countries like India.
Sustainable Farming: Farming which has a future, where soil, water, and the environment are protected for future generations.
Local/Seasonal: The movement which promotes eating foods grown locally and in season; when food is picked at peak ripeness for maximum nutrition, flavor, environmental protection, and sustainability. For CNN’s report (and Katherine’s article) on Farmers Markets and how they save your health and the environment…
Omega-6-Fatty Acids, high in soybean oil, compete with Omega-3-Fatty Acids in your body. If omega-6-fatty acid intake is too high in comparison to omega-3’s, this leads to increases in inflammation, a leading risk factor for many diseases including heart disease, cancer, etc. For details…
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