Jack LaLanne: Champion of Fruits and Vegetables
- At January 24, 2011
- By Katherine
- In News
Jack LaLanne, gone at age 96. Fitness Guru and Champion of Fruits and Vegetables in the 1950s and 1960s, he was a man ahead of his time. He advocated physical activity and consuming fruits and vegetables before the science proved just how important it all was. In fact, I believe if America had gotten on the fruit- and vegetable-eating bandwagon in the 1960s, instead of on the convenience-and-processed-food bandwagon, we would not have today’s obesity epidemic.
Two-thirds of adults and one out of three children are overweight or obese.
“The obesity epidemic is the single greatest threat to public health in this century,” according to the 2010 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. The scientists lament that part of the cause is Americans are not eating enough fruits and vegetables.
“Specific behaviors contributing to weight gain: Too much TV watching, too little physical activity, eating out frequently, snacking on high-calorie foods and drinks, skipping breakfast, and eating large portions,” said the scientists.
“To counter these behaviors, people need to understand their calorie needs and the calorie content of foods, eat mindfully, replace high-calorie, high solid-fat foods with nutrient-dense foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lowfat milk products,” added the scientists in their 2010 report prepared for the U.S. Dietary Guidelines, coming out soon.
Read about Jack LaLanne’s Five Tips that have stood the test of time.
Photo: AP
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